
[LN] Gal's Forgiving Wife - Vol 1 - Afterwords


Thank you for purchasing this book. My name is Izumitani Kazuki.

Words like "Inkya/Introvert" and "Youkya/Extrovert" appear frequently in this work, and when I first heard them, I felt that times had changed a lot. In the past, the words "Nekura" and "Riajuu" were often used, and I think that in the past people used different expressions again. So I feel sad when I think that the words I used in this work will no longer be used.

Now, another thing in this work that makes me feel that times have changed significantly is the setting in which it was published. This work was born as a manga video on the YouTube channel 'Manga Angel Nekooka'. Since many people have watched it, we are now able to publish it in book form. I think this is the best way to experience the current era, from video to book.

This book was made possible by the cooperation and support of so many people that it's impossible to list them all here. I would like to thank them all from the bottom of my heart. In particular, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to those who have supported me through my video clips and to those who have purchased this book.

Note from The Translator:

Hello, Retallia here~

Thank you so much for every reader who have reach this point, lol. How is the story? Simple and sweet right?:3

As an corporate's slave office worker myself, reading this kind of simple and cute story was always the best way to take a break from the harsh reality. I hope it could help to brighten all of your mood as well ^^

Also, I really want to thanks Zho (from YouthTL) for translating this LN from the raw source (JP). I know how hard it is to translate the LN from raw source lol. So it really help me to deliver this translation on EN so that many more people can read it as well.

Of course, all the credit goes to the author himself, so if there is any official translation come up, just make sure to buy the original copy ^^

The Volume 2 already released like months ago, we will deliver the translation right away after translating it on ID (I also have a blog for the ID translation, try checking if you are curious :v), so...See you on volume 2 :D


TL: YouthTL (JP-ID), Retallia (ID-EN)

PF & ED: Retallia


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Part-Time Dreamer, Full-Time Romcom Enjoyer~

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